Geotechnical works, inspections and repairs of wind turbine foundations.
We are the only company on the market to combine knowledge in the field of foundation design with a well-established experience in repairs. The team, full of passion and still hungry for new challenges, guarantees the selection of solutions optimised both economically and in terms of wind turbine construction safety. Quick mobilisation and smooth operation while maintaining high standards of construction and OHS are other features that make it possible for industry leaders to place their projects in our care by signing long-term framework contracts for repairs and maintenance of wind turbine foundations across Europe. Do you need a better recommendation to trust us?
Customer satisfaction is our topmost value.
Find out about our competences.
Geotechnical design and execution works.
We carry out all works related to the execution of foundations and road construction: FDP columns, DSM, CFA piles, securing deep excavations, soil improvement and compacting.
Watch a short summary of geotechnical design and soil improvement works in 2022. GP Renewables is a market Leader in geotechnical works in wind Energy sector in Poland.
Wind turbine foundation repairs and renovations
In application of our experience in wind turbine foundation design, we follow a 6-step approach to a successful repair.
We diagnose the real causes of failures, ensuring safety, peace of mind and a solution to the problem. Injections under pressure, insulation repairs, removal of water from the foundation, cracks and scratches in concrete, movements of the tower, drainage improvements are our daily bread. Download the brochure and learn more about the 6 steps to a successful repair.
Foundation Maintenance Services (FMS). Periodic wind turbine construction and electrical inspections.
FMS minimises the risk of unexpected and costly repairs and is the only annual inspection by foundation design and repair experts required by the construction law. It allows to take care of the proper condition of foundations, tower components and, in the extended package, also of the lightning protection and electrical systems.
Extended wind turbine foundation diagnostics:
- Core drillings,
- endoscopy,
- concrete strength testing,
- sensor and land survey measurements of tower deflection.We recommend periodic inspections and measurements to eliminate construction risks at an early stage.
Expert opinions, designs and road repairs. Technical and construction problems on farms.
We design roads, prepare expert opinions and carry out repairs of existing roads. We will help you solve all the technical and construction problems at a farm: e.g. uneven subsidence of transformer stations, repair of dehydration, etc.
See selected references on numerous repairs, inspections and improvements from all over Europe.
See selected projects